Dear Friend of “Gator” Global Health!
We ask for your partnership to build the Global Health Education program at the UF College of Medicine to offer more opportunities for global education experience for UF medical students. No classroom experience can replace the opportunities to learn about culture, provide critical thinking skills to assess the ecologic/social determinants model of health and health care, and prepare students to collaborate in local and global health projects with the goal of serving individual and community health needs in the same manner that work alongside our global health partners may provide.
As a result of these and other cross-cultural experiences in low resource settings, many UF medical students decide to dedicate their careers to caring for underserved populations. The students learn through pre-trip training, service and personal experience, the significant inequities that exist in our world. Your contributions will allow us to develop new programming, support for research and education exchange, and to collect supplies for use with our global partners.
Donations to Global Health are tax deductible, help off-set the total expenses of our trips and are non-refundable. Monetary gifts for specific students’ travel and course fees are not tax-deductible and must be given directly to the student.
Thank you for your support of Global Health Education at UF.

Online Donations

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University of Florida In the memo write: "Friends of Global Health General Fund". Mail to: University of Florida Office of International Medical Education c/o Amanda Touchton P.O. Box 100213 Gainesville, FL, 32610-0213
We have an enthusiasm for learning more about medicine and a passion to help the medically needy in our world — but we need your help to carry out our service mission and make this trip a reality. Thank you for your generosity!