Application for Global Health Electives credit Use this form if you are applying for any Global Health Elective for fourth year credit. Student credit must be verified and approved by Office of International Medical Education and Office of Student Affairs. Name First Last Email Class of20242025Third ChoiceLeadership in Global HealthWhich trip did you travel with (if you travelled on different trips please list each one)? Which academic year(s) did you travel? Please list years to correspond with trips listed above. For Local/Global Health Equity Track seminar series creditcriteria- must complete 75% attendance from start date for seminar series creditWhen did you start track? (example: January 2018) For distinction in Local/Global Health EquityDid you complete a MSRP/LGHET project or a 4th year special project in Global Health? If so, please list name of mentor and title of project: CAPTCHA